5 Captivating Digital Blackboard Activities

interactive whiteboards

The way of education globally has altered in the last few years. The primary onus of it can be passed on to technological advancement and its successful integration in this sector. In this regard, one tool that deserves a special mention is the interactive whiteboards. Equipment like this, also available as a touchscreen, is popular among students because they make courses more enjoyable. In addition, a digital whiteboard allows students to collaborate with their peers by collaborating and working on multiple assignments together.

Furthermore, digital whiteboards have many capabilities such as browsing, sharing screen, and many others.

5 Captivating Activities that Teachers can do with Digital Blackboards

interactive whiteboards

Here are five activities that you, as a teacher, can organize using interactive whiteboards and make the classroom experience even better –

Organizing Collaborations

One of the activities that you can do with a digital whiteboard for teaching is organizing collaboration between classes. This helps students get away from their daily routine and take a different approach to completing lessons.

Preparing Book Report

Another activity that you can organize for your students is preparing book reports. With a free online whiteboard for teaching, such sessions can help students to engage in discussion about what they have read and recall notable pointers. Also, you can join the discussion and help them out.

Visual Storytelling

Visual storytelling can be a great way to engage students and elevate their learning experience. Since stories inspire imagination, this technique can aid students to remember difficult concepts without stressing over them.

Various free whiteboard apps can also help in designing such curriculums.

Provide Lectures

Online interactive whiteboards are a great way to organize lectures. Such events help you and your students to make the lessons exciting. You can discuss and make the curriculum easy to understand. Also, you can make presentations to show infographics, pictures, and graphics to make lessons more engaging.

Sharing Feedback

Last but not least, digital whiteboards can be a great way to share feedback with your students. Since constructive and to-the-point feedback can aid students to strive and achieve better results, you can streamline this process further with such online facilities.

Besides interactive whiteboards, Wise App is another platform that can help you to deliver better results. It offers a one-stop solution where you can teach and manage students without any hassle.

4 Essential Benefits of Using an Interactive Whiteboard

Using online technologies like these brings in its own set of advantages. Here are some benefits of using such technologies in the classrooms –

Lesson Introductions

Using a free whiteboard FI for teaching, teachers can give an interactive video introduction to the lesson before they start teaching it. Students will also get a proper visual of the concepts the students will learn in the lessons.

Saves Time

When you start using these online whiteboards, you can feed your lesson notes and exercises. It will save the time of writing or dictating the notes repeatedly to the students.

interactive whiteboards

Makes the Class More Interactive

Online whiteboards are supposed to facilitate class interaction. When you use these devices to teach, you can use graphics, pictures, and infographics to help them understand better.

Simplifies Difficult Concepts

Some topics are difficult and cannot be explained or understood in a lecture. There is where the significant role of a digital whiteboard comes in. For instance, an online whiteboard for math can make this subject more interesting. Additionally, you can now explain difficult topics using graphics and videos.

In the present scenario, education is no longer restricted by the four walls of the classroom. With the help of digital services, anyone can take admission in any course of his/her choice. To develop this new-age method of education, teachers can take the assistance of an interactive whiteboard. These devices play an active role in changing the tide of how has been perceived through centuries.

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