A New Strategy to Sell Courses (With Examples)

A computer with coffee beside it

In the year of our recession, 2022, the processes you use to sell courses will have to change. So, we’re bringing you a guided tour of what works currently and how you can leverage these points to sell your courses. 

The New Strategy

A person strategizing how to sell courses in a startup

Every marketer tells you that you need to have something unique to sell. Too often, for content creators, this means endless pontificating about what to sell and where to sell it. So, let’s start simply. 

Which Course to Sell?

The most in-demand courses 2022 globally, as listed by UpGrad, are:

  1. Data Science
  2. AI and ML
  3. Big Data
  4. Business Intelligence
  5. Cloud Computing

According to Udemy, the most in-demand courses 2022 are:

  1. Python
  2. AWS Certification
  3. Web Development
  4. Excel
  5. Javascript

However, data from these two platforms alone is inconclusive. Both platforms heavily skew towards technical courses. So, we took up statistics from two of the most popular free course platforms, EdX and Coursera. 

For EdX users, these are:

  1. Data Analytics
  2. Agile Project Management
  3. Data Science
  4. AI
  5. The Science of Happiness

For Coursera users, these are:

  1. Business Essentials
  2. Business Management
  3. Entrepreneurship
  4. Business & Financial Modeling
  5. Improve your English Skills

We can conclude one thing from a brief overview of each of these platforms.

“The Topic is of No Consequence.”

You can sell any topic you like because courses around these topics trend. However, with the tech industry booming, tech courses tend to get more attention from people in any corner of the world.


How do you sell courses?

Marketing analysis files on how to sell courses

Long story short… You’re not unique.

With content creators from every country and every economy chiming in, your topic and positioning will not be unique. But, it is vital to nail down the basics while selling your courses. 


Start by positioning

Positioning your course is easy. Figure out where you stand and what unique perspective you can bring. 

One of the academies doing this well is Scaler. Check out their Poster:

Advertisement from Scaler

The critical positioning here is that these experts in their field can offer you something you don’t get with average courses. 

So, your credentials can be a crucial pointer in positioning your courses.


You can also sell people how unique your course offerings are. One of Udemy’s best-selling courses leverages this to create a unique selling point (USP).

Udemy Description of Python course

Showcasing the benefits of your course can bring more people in. 

And finally, you can leverage your students’ success with social proof. People love to buy things that have helped others, which is a great way to sell courses. Check out how Coursera does it for one of their most popular courses:

Coursra learner outcome

Write, Write, Write

A person writing in the office

Performance marketing won’t be enough to sell courses. Since your course topic isn’t unique, people will be bidding for the eyeballs of the people you want to target. 

So, check out copywriting and design books, learn from the best, and leverage those insights to write blogs and advertisements and grab eyeballs. 

This can drive a significant change even with a small investment. People are always looking for courses, so if your blogs rank or your advertisement draws them, you’ve made a sale. 


Become an expert

Social media platforms

No, you don’t have to get another degree!

Twitter and LinkedIn are currently the most accessible platforms to post on (text-based, no intense work involved.) So, start by posting opinion pieces disguised as posts. Continue doing this every day for a few months, and you will get there. 

With a growing audience, you can spend less on advertising and pull people into your courses. You can also sell “How to grow on LinkedIn/Twitter” courses after a while.

The Old Question

Where do you sell courses?

Person writing software

If you are starting your course-selling business, you’re not swimming in money. And even if you are, starting by shooting yourself in the foot makes no sense. 

So, let’s make a price comparison.

  1. Build your own – With the tech layoffs, this is the ideal time to build your own business. However, you need a lot of money. Building a tech team would be difficult if you don’t have the capital. You will end up paying for marketing as an extra asset.
  2. Popular Course Platforms – Kajabi, Teachable, and other platforms hold much value. However, choosing is difficult given the wide variety of platforms and available features. Most charges are constant, but look out for transaction costs since you will mostly be paying a percentage of your revenue till the end of the day (challenging to scale.)
  3. Consider Wise – We are biased, but if you want to sell courses, our 0% transaction charges might benefit you. We will charge you only for streaming on our platform and a nominal subscription if you opt for an advanced plan. 


Get Started Today

The best strategy to sell courses is to get started as soon as possible. The market is quite saturated and has players coming every minute of every day. In this condition, making the first move is advantageous and key to any decision you might make. 

So, if you plan to launch courses, start today.



A lifelong writer and communicator, Uttiya writes about core education products that fascinate her. She like following pedagogy and recent research on online education

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