Top 5 Live Class Engagement Tools

A strategy diagram with machine cogs


In the world of live class engagement tools, the competition is fierce. You’ve got to have something that stands out from the crowd if you want to engage with your students and get them engaged. That’s why I’m here today: to tell you about five of my favorite live engagement apps that will make your life easier as an educator.


Lens Logo

Lens is a tool that helps you track the talktime of the learners and the time they spent focusing on the screen as proxies for talktime and engagement, respectively.

It allows you to create a live question-and-answer experience with upvoting and get immediate feedback from your students.

It has a base price of $1/learner and is a B2B product that can be used in any class environment.


Wise App Logo

Wise is an LMS tool for teachers to connect with their students. It’s free for teachers, and you can also subscribe for the nominal fee of Rs. 400/month if you want advanced features like selling courses or test series, besides providing a full-suite scheduler for live classes with accurate live attendance tracking.

Wise allows you to create and manage online classes from anywhere in the world on your computer or mobile device, helping you reach out to more students while saving time and effort in planning lessons or projects by automating many processes (e.g., sending assignments).


Class logo

Class is an LMS and live class tool that collects real-time data about live classes, including the number of participants, locations, and demographics. Teachers can create and manage learners at scale.

At $15/learner, Class is by far the most expensive on our list of recommendations–but this doesn’t mean it’s not worth it! If you want to use your existing LMS platform (or if you’re already using one) but want more flexibility in delivering content and courses in a classroom setting, then this might be worth looking into further.


Engageli Logo

Engageli is a live class engagement tool that allows students to engage with each other in real time. Students sit around a virtual table of Zoom, and metrics are reported to an admin. Students respond with text, images, and videos. Teachers can use Engageli to create a classroom community to share resources and connect with peers.

Engageli is most suited for recorded corporate training content where discussions are paramount. But, it can be used for group learning efforts at any institute. The pricing tends towards enterprise and is high (we’re considering an EdTech base).


Acadly logo

Acadly is a live class LMS that allows you to use Zoom embedded on your screen while providing some limited capabilities for teachers. For example, using this product, you can send quizzes and polls on the meeting screen.
However, the features might need to be more basic for incorporating into people who only do live classes since the product is optimized for the hybrid class experience. Some universities use this tool, costing around $5/learner/month.

These five tools make it easy for educators to engage their students in real time.

These five tools make it easy for educators to engage their students in real time. These tools are free or have a free trial. These tools are easy to use, so even novice instructors can get started immediately.

They are also easy to integrate into existing courses and lesson plans, making them ideal for new and experienced teachers looking to add more interactivity into their classrooms (or virtual ones).


These five tools make it easy for educators to engage their students in real time. They are also easy to integrate into existing courses and lesson plans, making them ideal for new and experienced teachers looking to add more interactivity into their classrooms (or virtual ones).



A lifelong writer and communicator, Uttiya writes about core education products that fascinate her. She like following pedagogy and recent research on online education

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