How to Create a Successful Webinar: Tips and Best Practices

Zoom based class with a person explaining things

According to a report by Business Wire, 89% of marketers believe webinars outperform other channels in creating qualified leads. Webinars can be a great way to establish yourself as an expert, reach new audiences, and get some of them to convert. But they’re not always easy—and knowing how to create a successful webinar is key. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of creating and running a webinar and some best practices for getting people excited about participating in them. We’ll also share some tips on using video technology and other tactics to help you stand out from competitors when presenting webinars.

Understand the purpose of the webinar

Someone studying stock prices

The webinar aims to educate and inform your audience in an engaging way. The best way to do this is by creating an interactive environment where people can ask questions, participate in polls and surveys, or even share their own experiences with you. 

The benefits of webinars include:

  • They are affordable compared with other forms of marketing (like print brochures or TV ads).
  • You have more control over who sees it (you can target specific groups).
  • You can reach more people simultaneously without traveling far from your home base.
  • They are easy to host. You do not require days of preparation to host a webinar; you can easily plan and host it in 10 days if all resources are available. 

Extra tip: Make sure to make the webinar helpful for the audience, making them want to check out your service. Don’t make the webinar all about you/your company’s promotion.

What to include in your webinar registration form

An illustration depicting online learning and course marketing

  • A title for your webinar
  • An overview of what you will be covering in the webinar
  • The benefits of attending the webinar
  • The date and time of the webinar (and any time zone changes)
  • The length of your presentation. Tell people that if it’s going to be an hour and a half! If not, let them know how much time they can expect to watch it so they can plan accordingly.

If this is a free event or if you’re charging for it, let people know who will be speaking at this particular event: their name, bio, and credentials.

How to create a successful webinar

a setup to learning online courses

You can use these tips and best practices to create a successful webinar:

    • Create an excellent webinar title: Your first consideration is the title of your webinar, which will be what people see in their email inboxes and on social media feeds. It’s important that this title accurately reflects the content of your presentation so attendees know what they’re getting into before they sign up for it. You don’t need any fancy vocabulary to do this. Instead, write a one-liner that succinctly conveys what the webinar is about. The best way to do this is by using keywords related to your topic in combination with action verbs like “learn” or “discover.” For example, if I were hosting a webinar about how businesses can use video marketing effectively online, my best bet would be something like “How To Use Video Marketing To Grow Your Business Online.”
  • Identify your target audience: Conduct pre-webinar surveys and market research to understand and identify your target audience and tailor your webinar accordingly. 
  • Include clear call-to-action buttons where possible (and relevant): This may seem obvious, but many speakers forget that they need some call-to-action button at each stage during registration: whether it’s simply asking them whether they want free access once registered, offering discounts based on early bird registrations; explaining how many seats are left, etc. Anything you can do here really helps increase conversion rates!

Making it interactive, not just a one-way street

a person reading and learning

  • Ask questions: Using Lens, you can create real-time polls and quizzes to gauge the audience’s understanding. You should always ask your audience for feedback and input, even to get them involved in the conversation.
  • Use polls and surveys to gauge opinions, collect data, and discover their origin.
  • Have a live Q&A session at the end of your webinar that allows people to ask any lingering questions they might have had during or after the presentation. You can check out Lens to 10x your engagement during webinars. Using Lens, you can add moderation and provide more structure to the question and answer segment of the QnA and making the rounds smoother in structure.
  • Using Lens, measure the real-time participant engagement level in the webinar and give away prizes during breaks between sections (if applicable) or at specific times throughout each session as incentives for participants who participate actively in polls or surveys during breaks between sections. Prizes could include anything from branded merchandise items like T-shirts and mugs with corporate logos printed on them, gift cards from restaurants near their offices; tickets for concerts happening nearby soon enough that these things will still be relevant when their time comes around again next year…you get my drift? All those things would work well because they provide incentive/motivation so people come back tomorrow morning instead of just leaving early tonight because they’ve already gotten everything out there beforehand! 

Keeping the energy up

a person studying on laptop

You can keep the energy up by using a variety of activities and media. For example, you might start with a video introduction and then transition into a live Q&A session using Lens. 

Remember that it’s okay to break the rules occasionally; just be sure that whatever you do adds value for your audience!

Webinars are great for establishing credibility and reaching new audiences.

a desk with laptop showing education trends

  • Webinars are a great way to reach new audiences. Webinars are one of the best ways to establish yourself as an expert in your field and build credibility. You’ll be able to get in front of thousands of people at once, who will listen and take notes while they watch your presentation online.
  • Webinars are also great for building trust among potential clients or customers–especially if you offer them something valuable (like tips) during the presentation itself!
  • Lastly: webinars can help sell products/services! Once again, if done correctly using Lens (and with good content), this kind of event can lead directly into sales opportunities down the line…which makes it well worth investing time into planning out how yours will go beforehand


Remember the thumb rule for webinars: Engagement is critical. Use Lens to measure engagement, provide real-time quizzes and polls, and host live Q&A sessions in your upcoming webinar, and you will be able to see the magic that 1000s of our previous clients have seen. Webinars are a great way to connect with your audience and establish credibility. They can also be used to reach new audiences and promote products. With our tips, you can create a successful webinar to help you achieve your goals!



A lifelong writer and communicator, Uttiya writes about core education products that fascinate her. She like following pedagogy and recent research on online education

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